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Showing posts from 2018

Adding Cost of Living Adjustments to Veterans Benefits

The Veterans Compensation Cost of Living Adjustment Act of 2018 aims to temporarily fix a common problem for veterans; benefits have stayed the same while the cost of living and inflation rise.  Veterans benefits are effectively cut each year that Congress does not pass a COLA bill.  Earlier this year, Congressman Mike Bost submitted the new bill; he is the Chairman of the Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs subcommittee.  The bill directs the Department of Veterans Affairs to increase benefits as of December 1, 2018, using the same COLA used by the Social Security Administration. Congresswoman Elizabeth Etsy said that “ensuring our heroes’ benefits keep pace with the rising cost of living is the least we can do for them.  With a cost of living adjustment, we will be able to put more dollars in the hands of the men and women who served our nation.  Congressman Bost stated “it’s vitally important that we ensure the men and women who have served our na...

How Can We Protect Seniors?

By: Swogger, Bruce & Millar Law Firm, P.C. May is both Elder Abuse Awareness Month and Elder Law Awareness Month.  It is not an accident that these awareness campaigns take place in the same month; elder law and elder abuse relate closely to each other.  May is the perfect time to learn more about these important issues. Elder law is an area of practice that focuses on the issues facing seniors. Elder law attorneys are knowledgeable in multiple areas, including, planning for Medicaid or Veterans benefits, helping clients transition into long-term care or assisted living, helping clients with guardianships and conservatorships, and estate planning.  Sadly, as elder abuse has increased, it has become necessary for elder law attorneys to be available to provide legal protection and advocacy. Elder abuse is any form of mistreatment that causes a senior harm or loss.  Elder abuse includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation, negl...

Michigan Considering Letting HMO's Manage Its Medicaid Long-Term Care Program

Michigan is exploring the radical idea of letter private HMO's administer its $2.8 billion long-term care program.  The initial review of the idea is expected in July.  Part of Michigan's justification is valid; Medicaid is fragmented into different programs administered by different entities.  The main programs are nursing home long-term care, MI Choice Waiver for in-home care and assisted living, and PACE which strives to keep seniors in their home.  A  consolidation of all the programs would be a good idea, letting private insurance companies control the care and funds is not a good recipe for improving the care of vulnerable Michigan seniors.  The Michigan Association of Health Plans is lobbying hard to grab these funds.  It is unlikely the health plans will prioritize care over profit.  The Area Agency on Aging Association of Michigan has issued strong statements against the plan.  Area Agencies on Aging currently administer the MI C...

Medicaid's Five-Year Look-Back Period and Penalties for Gifting

Many of my elder law clients in northern Michigan have questions about the Medicaid look-back period and penalties for gifting.  The first thing to know is that Medicaid planning to protect assets can be done at any time, even during the look-back period, or after a client is in a nursing home.  With that initial piece of information in hand, we can proceed to an explanation of the Medicaid system for penalizing gifts. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services processes applications for Medicaid benefits.  DHHS policy directs an eligibility specialist to investigate all gifts, or transfers for less than fair market value, that an applicant or his spouse made within five years of the applicant being in a nursing home and otherwise being eligible for Medicaid.  Let's unpack that a little bit.  First, there are two thresholds to cross before a gift penalty begins to run.  The applicant must be in long-term care and eligible for Medicaid based on...

Maine's Governor Defies Voters Approval of Medicaid Expansion

Although Maine residents passed a ballot measure to expand Medicaid with 59 percent approval, Gov. Paul LePage is resisting.  Gov. LePage has vetoed Medicaid expansion legislation five times.  LePage has stated that opening up the program to more low-income residents would hurt the state's finances.  LePage believes that Maine should not raise taxes to pay for the expansion. Traditional Medicaid imposes coverage requirements based on income, household size, disability, and other factors.  Expanded Medicaid allows you to qualify based on your income alone.  If your household income is below 133% of the federal poverty level, you qualify.  Medicaid expansion would provide health insurance coverage to at least 70,000 low-income residents. Medicaid expansion is having a disproportionately positive impact in rural communities.  Rural uninsured rates have dropped dramatically compared to metropolitan areas.  Expansion has also reduced disparities ...

Some of Michigan's Children Will Lose Health Coverage if Congress Does Not Agree on Funding the CHIP Program

Michigan will run out of CHIP funds to provide health insurance for children in February or March.  Michigan's 2018 budget assumed that it would receive these funds and the full Medicaid expansion cost sharing. For more details, follow the link below. State Plans for CHIP as Federal Funds Run Out

At Veterans Hospital in Oregon, a Push for Better Ratings Puts Patients at Risk, Doctors Say

ROSEBURG, Ore. — An 81-year-old veteran hobbled into the emergency room at the rural Veterans Affairs hospital here in December, malnourished and dehydrated, his skin flecked with ulcers and his ribs broken from a fall at home. A doctor examining the veteran — a 20-year Air Force mechanic named Walter Savage who had been living alone — decided he was in no shape to care for himself and should be admitted to the hospital. A second doctor running the inpatient ward agreed. But the hospital administration said no. Though there were plenty of empty beds, records show that a nurse in charge of enforcing administration restrictions said Mr. Savage was not sick enough to qualify for admission to the hospital. He waited nine hours in the emergency room until, finally, he was sent home. “The doctors were mad; the nurses were mad,” said Mr. Savage’s son-in-law, Mark Ridimann. “And my dad, he was mad, too. He kept saying, ‘I’ve laid my life on the line, two years in Vietnam, and this is ...

Children’s Insurance, Other Health Programs Funded — For Now — In Bill

The bill passed by Congress late Thursday to keep most of the federal government funded for another month also provided a temporary reprieve to a number of health programs in danger of running out of money, most notably the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP. Funding for CHIP technically expired Oct. 1. States have been operating their programs with leftover funds provided by the Department of Health and Human Services since then. But  nearly half of the states were projected to run out of money entirely by the end of January, putting health coverage for nearly 2 million children at risk by that point. The funding provided by Congress for CHIP — $2.85 billion — is for six months, but it is back-dated to Oct. 1, so it will run out at the end of March 2018. The program covers 9 million children across the country. Follow the link below for the full story. Childrens Insurance Other Health Programs Funded For Now In Bill